Screen Test
See me through the ground glass
Turn me upside down
Flip me against the mirror
Make me
A bruise
A tattoo
A burn
Of this very moment
I am here
Have you captured me?
In each of my gradations
By the hour
By the minute
By the second
Do you have another frame?
Another exposure
Do you want to
expose me?
Slip me slip me under the tongue of the negative
Cast me into a shadow of myself
in orange and brown and black
Dissolve me into chemicals on plastic skins
Harden me into silver crystals
In the darkroom
Noxious fumes choke out your eyes and throat
Singe your nostrils until they water
Let my flesh decay
I don’t care
I am held forever
In your moment of carelessness
My own image against your own eye
Cropped by the viewfinder’s permanence
It narrows the periphery
It sees me in isolation
No one has known me this way before
As if the world were peeled away
To the pedestal I was made for
Can you see me in my godlight?
My halo of hair in after midnight fluorescents
Can you discern my figure through the haze?
Defend me
Cover me
Paste over my unspackled parts
I don’t know how you do your magic
How you look into the machine
And pull out life
How you draw through the ropes of your imagination
And put me back together into puzzle pieces
I am a question that is never found
My eyes
My cheekbones
My lips
You taste me with your watching
You beg me without worlds
My eyes dilate
I see myself in the pool of that glass eye
Swirling ever closer to center
But I still don’t know –
Are you, real human on the other side of this?
Does your breath align with the camera’s click?
Your organs
Your viscera
Your gasping
Those two torn holes in your stomach made by
The bullets that never escaped you
Your death is slow
shuttering in time lapse
before our eyes
Hold me
In this cradle of metal and glass
Steal my image
Make me
What do I say when I do not speak
What do you see
Can you feel my fear?
Like a lion is eating me
Like the horizon is falling on me
Like the air is shrinking around me
You disappear behind the machine
And I’m trying to catch my breath
The camera (or is it you?)
I will not cry
I will not shake
I will not scream
I will not fight
I will not fuck
I will not bleed
I will not sing
I will not pray
I will not plead
I will not deny
I will not give
I hold myself for you
My eyelids get heavier and heavier
I will not look away
I will not fall asleep
I grow dizzy looking into you
Nothing has dimension
Please stop
The film flickers and jitters
Very well then
I decide
If this is what you want
I hold completely still
As the roll advances
I decide you’re not looking at me
I am looking at you
Then, I burst into laughter
I can’t take it anymore
My hands over my face
I shake my head
You know I can’t endure it
To be truly looked at that long
Without the diversion of laughter
Or the pinball action of the crowd
I look back at the camera (at you)
And know I’ve been beaten
Okay, I smile
And compose myself
Look at me now